More ideas for GG Rewards
Vasumathi Sriganesh
These ideas are about making the LALR continuous, especially the Effectiveness points. It is very natural for us partners to do everything we can to get lots of reward points. But GG wants us to learn too, and the learning needs to be continuous. Right now the Effectiveness cycle is more for LAL, but the Repeat bit, can be taken further.
When I complete any effectiveness cycle - example - a webinar OR a create your own cycle, the date on which I submit it - should be displayed in that page.
At some frequencies (needs to be discussed) I should get an email, asking if I had done anything that I claimed I would be doing.
As the cycle expires, (maybe a month before) I should get an email asking me to report what I did during the year. And how I would enhance my year long learning by repeating what I learned at a higher level
I feel that the above cycle - will really achieve the LALR - and there will be a focus on the R
If I could not pursue what I had done, I declare that I could not do much and I let that set of points expire and start something new. Also by doing this, both win - GlobalGiving - has a method of ensuring that learning happens continuously. For the partner organization - it is double whammy - they learn much more (with more discipline) and also do not let their points expire :)
Do give this a thought - I know it may take a while to implement
Oh - and on this - a small addition. When I do a "Create your own cycle" - can we have a field to add a title of our choice? Because when I see "all my effectiveness cycles" I can see titles for webinars but not for what I created:
(See image below).
If I have done many of Create your own cycles, I do not know which one is which, if I have to check my learning
Thanks - and waiting to see these happen :)
Venkat Ramakrishnan
I have already given detailed feedback to Kevin Conroy about GG reward points several years ago.
The work involved in gaining these points are lopsided. For example, it's very simple to do a 'Create your own cycle' and get 12 points.
But, it takes huge efforts to gain donors/donations, but you get (I think) around 5 points if the numbers exceed a certain limit.
The entire points system needs to be revamped. Please refer to my earlier email to Kevin where I have shared detailed feedback.