Another ranking problem
David Zarembka
As I look at the top organizations in ranking, I see that a few organizations have multiple project in the top 25 ranks. As I just checked, one organization for example has 6 projects in the top 25 and another has 3. Is this fair? I have seen that when they put up another project, it immediately becomes in the top 25.
Miranda Cleland
We have made some changes to our ranking algorithm to make it more fair and equitable. An organization can only have a project appear every ten slots in the search rank. We feel this provides both rewards for high-ranking organizations, as well as fairness to other high-ranking organizations! We'll continue to tweak and iterate. Thanks!
Venkat Ramakrishnan
Great point David! When the visibility of projects, and thus the donations received, are closely tied to the default ranking (mostly) shown by Globalgiving, Globalgiving needs to be careful about allowing organisations listing multiple projects in the ranks.
While organisations could be allowed to open multiple projects, GG can ask organisations to pick two of their projects to be shown in the top ranking. This way, organisations can decide which of their projects are top priority for them to raise funds for. This will also make sure that all organisations get fair visibility in the rankings.
Sylvester Renner
Venkat Ramakrishnan: This makes a ton of sense = allow organizations to specify which projects are top priority.
Ljiljana Vasic
Sylvester Renner: Perfect suggestion and I would add, that it should be allowed for the organisation to change the priority project whenever needed since at some point you need more urgently funds for one or the other project and then things change so you can manage your own priorities.
Miranda Cleland
Merged in a post:
David Zarembka
I have not been able to figure out GG's ranking system. Our programs jump around a lot in the ranking, almost daily. While I have been told what is supposed to be in the ranking, there seems to be many other criteria that is hidden from us.
I agree with David, although I do feel this has gotten better lately. Also, at present, there is only one rank visible on the dashboard, usually the project that is ranked the highest. It would be great to see individual project ranks to track progress and understand variables ar affecting rank movement.