Donor Advised Fund contributions
greg herrle
It would be most helpful to identify the name of the donor rather than, or in addition to, the name of the Donor Advised Fund when donations are made through a DAF. Without the underlying donor name a thank you note cannot be provided. DAFs are becoming a more common source of donations from our donors. Thank you.
David Zarembka
If possible I agree in that we need to know the name and email address of the actual donor. In some cases, though, they want to be anonymous.
greg herrle
David Zarembka: It is my understanding that the donor, through their DAF, may often indicate whether or not they wish to remain anonymous. Obviously, if they wish to remain anonymous we should honor their wish. Thank for the comment.
Kevin Conroy
Hi Greg - thanks for this. We have to recognize the DAF as the primary donor because they are, in fact, the legal donor. However, we recognize the need for the "soft credit" or secondary name for DAF attribution.
greg herrle
Kevin Conroy: I understand that but I think you can appreciate the importance of thanking donors and we really need to know who the donor. For some other U.S. non-profits the ultimate donor behind the DAF is identifed (e.g. Smith Family Charitable Fund) even though the donation is made through an administrator (e.g. Morgan Stanley). Thanks for your consideration on this. Perhaps a separate email notice could be provided.
Sylvester Renner
greg herrle: Agreed. Seconding the need for this. In January we received a similar large check donation. We have previously received one directly from this same fund. So we know that the name and address of the donor is sometimes included. Without this information, the donor will not receive a thank you letter.
Philip Wilson
Sylvester Renner: we had the same last year, we received possibly the largest single donation we've ever had on GG, from a US DAF, and we couldn't say thank you for it :| It would be good to have a process of some kind to relay the message.
Sylvester Renner
Philip Wilson: Agreed. The donation we received in January 2021 was likewise the largest single donation ever received on GG. Check donation, email unknown.