GlobalGiving driven donations - additions to list
David Zarembka
I disagree. These go to people who have already donated to our organization. One time, I saw myself being counted as GG donor driven (even as I was the one who sent out the request for donations). About half of the donors marked GG donor driven are in fact our usual loyal donors.
Venkat Ramakrishnan
David Zarembka: Arguable. Personally, I am thankful to @GlobalGiving for all the donations generated through the emails, even if it had been generated from an existing donor - because GlobalGiving put that effort in making the current donation happen by emailing them! The current donations would not have happened in the absence of such emails!
Homepage donations should definitely be made GG-generated because we get worldwide donations without any effort.
David Zarembka
Venkat Ramakrishnan: This is not my experience. I send out a fundraising appeal and then the people somehow click on a GG email. In fact I myself was included once as a GG donor when I myself sent out the request. These are to support specific fundraisers for the four organizations I promote. I am not sure why this is happening. Most of these people are my close friends who donate regularly. Why should GG be taking credit for this rather than the organizations themselves which are sending out the request for donations? For me this makes the amount generated by GG to be meaningless.
Venkat Ramakrishnan
David Zarembka: You might want to let your concern know to GlobalGiving's tech. team for a closer look, with the said example mentioned. They might be able to assist you.
Kevin Conroy
Thanks for the feedback! We've tried to be very conservative on what counts as GG driven as we know that many organizations drive donors to us through different means
Venkat Ramakrishnan
Kevin Conroy: Thanks Kevin, although GG email and homepage are purely GG-driven efforts. The org.s don't contribute anything towards these (as far as I know)....