Improvements to GG Time (?)
Kevin Conroy
We are about to launch a new version of GG Time in 2020. Stay tuned for more updates!
Miranda Cleland
Hi folks! Our team has been hard at work designing the bright and shiny new GlobalGivingTIME website. We're getting ready to start user testing and are looking for a diverse group of five project leaders to try out the new online volunteering platform in late May/June and provide your feedback. If you're interested, please fill out this short expression of interest form:
The form doesn't commit you to testing, just expresses your interest. I'll be in touch via email to finalize the testing group and provide additional details. You can email me at if you have any questions in the meantime!
Miranda Cleland
in progress
Miranda Cleland
Thank you for thoughts, everyone! Our team is currently nailing down our new online volunteering platform which we hope to launch in early 2019. We'll do an introductory webinar and let you know once that is ready. Thanks for your patience!
Sylvester Renner
We have found this to be extremely useful. GG Time seemed to be more appropriate for very short term / "time limited" tasks. A platform that enables a wider range of volunteer engagement (from the perspective of time, etc.) would be wonderful.
Jimmy Allan Oluoch
We'd like to use this to help deliver on quality education. How do we use it to get feedback on teacher planning, student assessments, deliver better staff assessment, review our organization business models etc.
Damon Taylor
Love the concept. We discussed this earlier within the GLC. This like many ideas here, it needs to be unpacked, understood, discussed within a strategic context and then built out. Perhaps the death of GG Time is just the right moment to do so?
Miranda Cleland
Damon Taylor: We agree! We know that the technology on the third-party GGTIME platform has long been outdated, so we're taking this opportunity to look for new, improved solutions. Making it easier to use is at the top of our priorities.
Ljiljana Vasic
Miranda Cleland: Miranda, there you go with the ideas for new webinars - How to use GG Time platform! From the majority of the comments, it is obvious that most of the organisations do not actually know how to get the best out of it. We have used it for all sorts of assistance: to set up a profile of the organisation on LinkedIn, to get more potential donors among the compatriots living and working in different countries, to make a video... you name it. But it takes a bit of good English and some time to explore how it works - that might be one of the topics for a webinar...
Miranda Cleland
Ljiljana Vasic: Great idea!! As soon as we select the new technology, we'll definitely do a introductory webinar on how to use it, and maybe throughout the year we can do some shorter ones with tips on how to make the most of it, with nonprofits sharing their successes and tips.
Marina Ouano
I would like to see an expansion of skills that volunteers can offer
Ljiljana Vasic
We just love it and use it with marvelous results!
Samirah Faruk
I quite agree with @AI, Kelly and Venkat... It is important for our organisation because we need help but the site is not user friendly and too complicated. There are limited options for the type of volunteer work that can be done some of which are not suitable for us in our organisation
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